My Angular app contains some services, that need to initialize data asyc before showing up the app components (p.e. loading initial data from an API and the i18n via ng-translate). In a central service I want to observe all the async tasks and provide an Observable to inform other components and services that the system is ready (and hide a loading animation).
My first attemt is:
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { combineLatest } from 'rxjs/observable/combineLatest';
providedIn: 'root',
export class LoadingService {
private tokens: Observable<boolean>[] = [];
public tokenObservable: Observable<boolean[]>;
constructor() {
this.tokenObservable = combineLatest(this.tokens);
public registerLoadingToken(token: Observable<boolean>): void {
All initializing services has to register an Observable in this LoadingService. But I think I get a timing problem. The Plan is:
- LoadingService provides the Observable, every Component can subscribe
- all asyc services register their Observable
- LoadingService fires its Observable, if every async service has fired at least once
But how can i set up the timing correctly?
If I use combineLatest in the constructor, no token is registered.
If I use combineLatest async (like: setTimeout({}, 0)
), the public token observable is null.
Do you have an idea for me?
in multiple components? How do you know when you want to start listening to the token Observables? – martin