
I'm currently working on a TYPO3 Project and used the mask extension for the first time. I created a lot of elements, used them on the site and filled them with content. I just read in the manual that the mask extension itself causes some performance problems which i didn't knew about..

I installed the mask_export extension to prevent those, but now my content is gone.. I tried to just tell my TYPO3 to use the new content element but my contents ist still not displayed in it.

Is there any way I can use the mask_export extension in a running project without deleting my content?


1 Answers


If You use ext:mask_export your defined mask elements are exported in a new extension.
While the elements are exported they were renamed acording to the new extension name.
If you now deactivate mask and enable your new extension, your existing content (tt_content-records) have the wrong CType (there is no rendering definition).

Solution: Reenable mask, deactivate your new extension and build a test-page with all content elements, then disable mask and enable your extension and build all content elments again (additionally). Now you can do a SQL-query (SELECT CType FROM tt_content WHERE pid=123) to identify the used CTypes and do database wide replacements.

Be aware, that the extension name may be used in other places (e.g. prefix for tables or fields). This needs to be fixed too.

It's a bad idea to replace mask after content is inserted, as it generates a lot of manual work in the database.