
I've been making my first discord bot recently and I've finally gotten audio to play through the bot using the code below. However, if a person in the same channel as the bot uses the same command again, the bot stops playing its audio and leaves the channel. Additionally, how would I make it so that the bot is not able to switch channels before it has finished playing its audio. (Note: the bot plays audio from urls containing mp3 files not with the YouTube plugin as I only want it to play specific things for a few private servers) Heres the code:

client.on('message', (message) => {
    if (message.content == '!play EXAMPLE') {
        var channel = message.member.voiceChannel;

        if (!channel) 
            message.channel.sendMessage ('You need to be in a voice channel to use this command.');

        if (!channel)
             return console.error("The channel does not exist!"); 

        channel.join().then(connection => {
            const dispatcher = connection.playArbitraryInput("URL TO AUDIO FILE");
            dispatcher.on("end", end => { 

Any help is greatly appreciated.

You should really format your code properly. This is hard to read, and you might find an error of your own once it's properly formatted.Joshua M. Moore
Formatted, thanks to jtate.Lg Cas
check if client has already joined channelFrustrated programmer
What i think is going on... I cant verify it rn... Is that the bot is re-joining the channel(so nothing happens here) then "re-creating" dispatcher and overwriting the old dispatcher... firing dispatcher.on("end")Frustrated programmer
I looked about on Reddit and they said to use guild.voiceConnection to detect whether or not the bot is in a channel already, this would be used as a decider on whether or not the bot would run the command(s) or not; the only thing I can't figure out is where or how to fit it into the existing codeLg Cas

1 Answers


I do not know if there is a method in the API to get the curent channel of the bot. However, one way to do this is to store the channel the bot is in a variable.

This simply sets a botChannel variable when joining a channel and unsets it when leaving it. So before you join the member channel, you can check if the channel is set.

I split the code to make it easier to visualize (atleast it is for me)

let botChannel = undefined;

const joinChannel = (channel) => {
    channel.join().then(connection => {
        botChannel = channel;
        playAudio(connection, 'AUDIO URL');

const leaveChannel = () => {
    botChannel = undefined;

const playAudio = (connection, audioUrl) => {
    const dispatcher = connection.playArbitraryInput(audioUrl);
    dispatcher.on("end", end => {

client.on('message', (message) => {
    if (message.content == '!play EXAMPLE') {
        var channel = message.member.voiceChannel;

        if (!channel) {
            message.channel.sendMessage('You need to be in a voice channel to use this command.');
            return console.error("The channel does not exist!"); 

        if (!botChannel) {