
As per our project architecture, we deployed our component in 2 regions. One region is always active, where another is passive. If active regions fails, we divert all traffic to another region using traffic manager. There is one consumer who reads messages from Region 1. If region 1 fails, We want to handle disaster recovery from our side without changing anything at receiver side.

I am currently using azure Service bus standard version. As per documentation Premium version has feature of Disaster Recovery option.

So any idea whether we need manually fail over service bus, or service bus take care about DR.

I am bit confused how DR will work in premium.


1 Answers


According to their architecture : here

this is an automated process where the VM :

automatically creates the required resources in the target region, based on the source VM settings. It provides automated continuous replication, and enables you to perform application failover with a single click. You can also run disaster recovery drills by testing failover, without affecting your production workloads or ongoing replication.

so i guess to answer your question it is an automated process

ref here and here for further info on architecture and indepth on how it works

for Git source on samples : here