I'm trying to fill my vuex store with data from websocket. I'm using Nuxt. For handling websocket I'm using vue-native-websocket package. Connection to websocket is successful, but commiting to the store doesn't work, it fires an error on every socket event Uncaught TypeError: this.store[n] is not a function
According to Nuxt and vue-native-websocket docs, I've using them as following:
Plugin native-websocket.js:
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueNativeSock from 'vue-native-websocket'
import store from '~/store'
Vue.use(VueNativeSock, 'wss://dev.example.com/websocket/ws/connect', { store: store })
plugins: [
{src: '~plugins/native-websocket.js', ssr: false}
As the connection is established, I draw a conclusion that the package is connected right, so it's something about store and I can't get what's wrong
UPD: After some workaround I've found out that logging store inside native-websocket.js returns
store() {
return new __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_vuex__["default"].Store({
state: {...my store
and commiting to it returns __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__store__.default.commit is not a function
So it's something about webpack as I can see
passToStoreHandler: function (eventName, event) {
, inside of here log outthis.store
what is the value – Ohgodwhy{ passToStoreHandler: function(eventName, event) { console.log(this.store); console.log('test') }}
– Elijah Ellanskistore()
, but there is no error only if callback is passed to third argument object. No commits are made to store anyway – Elijah Ellanskithis.store.commit('incrementCounter')
inside ofpassToStoreHandler
. Gotthis.store.commit is not a function
– Elijah Ellanski