
Here is the error log I got from monitor when I try to launch the application

07-24 09:26:08.101: E/ReactNativeJS(26640): undefined is not an object (evaluating 'r.default')
07-24 09:26:08.112: E/ReactNativeJS(26640): Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module (calling runApplication)
07-24 09:26:08.120: E/com.marianhello.logging.UncaughtExceptionLogger(26640): FATAL EXCEPTION:

Am using react-native

"react": "16.3.1",
"react-native": "^0.56.0",
How is Java involved in this question?Korashen
Are you using React navigation in your project?user725840
Yes am using react navigation with paystack payment gatewayHash davies

2 Answers


So the cause of error is just stupid.

The issue with React-Navigation In node_modules/react-navigation/src/navigators/DrawerNavigator.js there is imported TabRouter, which seems like component (starts with upper case), but in reality is just function, so when the code reaches const contentRouter = TabRouter(routeConfigs, tabsConfig); it throws that error because it does not resolve it as function? It does not even run it. This is some new babel config stuff or something, which is just weird space of js for me...

So one way to fix this is to rename all TabRouter in that file to tabRouter. I hate to modify node_modules files but this is only way that I found to fix this error. Its working for me.


I was able to solve this issue by downgrading my react native to "react-native": "^0.54.0" from "react-native": "^0.56.0" that i install initially. and everything works fine.