
I'm using Gitea and I try to create a user using an API call in PowerShell:

Testing Plateforme : https://try.gitea.io/

API URL : https://try.gitea.io/api/swagger

API Token : 3bb81a498393f4af3d278164b5755fc23b74b785

Username : Will-stackoverflow

Password : willwill

Here it's what I have tried so far :

# Filling my var with some data
$email="[email protected]"
$full_name="My User"

# Building a hash with my data
$hash = @{
     Email = $($email);
     full_name = $($full_name);
     login_name = $($username);
     Password = $($password);
     send_notify = "false";
     source_id = 0;
     Username = $($username)

# Converting my hash to json format
$JSON = $hash | convertto-json
# Displaying my JSON var

Invoke-WebRequest -uri "http://try.gitea.io/api/v1/admin/users?access_token=3bb81a498393f4af3d278164b5755fc23b74b785" -Method POST -Body $JSON

My $JSON var is fed properly :

    "Password":  "P@w0rd",
    "full_name":  "My User",
    "Username":  "myuser",
    "Email":  "[email protected]",
    "source_id":  0,
    "login_name":  "myuser",
    "send_notify":  "false"

But there is the result (from my prod environement as I can't get it to work at all using the online plateforme) :

enter image description here

To me it sounds like the fields "Username", "Email" and "Password" are required, but they are filled in my displayed JSON. What am I missing or doing wrong ?


Adding the -ContentType 'application/json' parameter to the Invoke-WebRequest command as suggested by Theo :

enter image description here

I notice the fields' order isn't the same after converting to json. Could that be the issue? If yeah how to keep the right field at the right place ?Will
the order of the fields should not matter. A hashtable has no specific orderTheo
Have you tried adding the auth token to the header? Invoke-WebRequest -H 'Authorization: token AUTH_TOKEN_HERE?Bender the Greatest
If i read the error message correctly, it complains about the value in your JSON for "send_notify". Try changing "send_notify": "false" into "send_notify": $false. That way it receives a Boolean value instead of the string "false". I have edited my answer.Theo

1 Answers


Looking at the Swagger UI site, it seems to me the json must contain properties in lower-caps only

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "full_name": "My User",
  "login_name": "myuser",
  "password": "P@w0rd",
  "send_notify": $true,
  "source_id": 0,
  "username": "myuser"

Also, according to the Swagger site, you need to state the -ContentType. Your code would look like this:

# Filling my var with some data
$email="[email protected]"
$full_name="My User"

# Building a hash with my data
$hash = @{
     email = $($email);          # string
     full_name = $($full_name);  # string
     login_name = $($username);  # string
     password = $($password);    # string
     send_notify = $false;       # boolean
     source_id = 0;              # int
     username = $($username)     # string

# Converting my hash to json format
$JSON = $hash | ConvertTo-Json
# Displaying my JSON var

# just to make it somewhat easier on the eyes
$token = "3bb81a498393f4af3d278164b5755fc23b74b785"
$url = "http://try.gitea.io/api/v1/admin/users?access_token=$token"

Invoke-WebRequest -uri $url -Method POST -Body $JSON -ContentType 'application/json'