
In this video from MSDN at the 3:34 second mark, the presenter shows how to append the Build ID to a nuget's version. In the MSBuild arguments, he specifies:

/t:pack /p:PackageVersion=1.0.$(Build.BuildId)

So, when the project is built by VSTS, the nuget assembly's revision number is using the build id.

I would like to do something similar. Instead of hard coding the 1.0 in the build definition, I'd like to retrieve that from .csproj file. I am using the new .csproj file which stores nuget information.

For example, I'd like to specify in the csproj:


Then, VSTS would append the BuildID and generate the assembly version as (49 being the build id)


2 Answers


I ended up doing the opposite of what Shayki Abramczyk suggested.

I use a task called "Variables Task Pack". It can be found here (and is free at the time of this answer): https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=YodLabs.VariableTasks#qna

Using this task, I set two variable: $(BuildId) and $(ReleaseType). See the settings snapshots at the end of the answer.

Then, in my CSPROJ project file, I modified the nuget version to use the two environment variables. Here's a clip of the project file:


IMPORTANT: Notice the extra 0 in front of $(BuildId). I had to add that in order to build locally. Without it, the build failed with an incorrect version format error.

Now, after building, I get the buildid as my revision number and release type appended.

Here are the screen shots showing configuration of both variables.

Settings for BuildId variable Settings for ReleaseType variable


You can create a Power Shell script that retrieves the version from csproj file, then add the version to a new environment variable with this command: Set-VstsTaskVariable

For Example:

$csprojId = $retrivedIdfromTheFile
Set-VstsTaskVariable -Name "CSPROJ_ID" -Value $csprojId

Now you can use the CSPROJ_ID variable on the MSBuild arguments:
