I have a reactive core WebClient to post to a given endpoint. The payload is a flux of Job
objects and the content-type is application/stream+json
Flux jobFlux = Flux.just(new Job());
Mono<JsonNode> response = localEP.post().uri( "/dev/job" )
.body( BodyInserters.fromObject(jobFlux))
.bodyToMono( JsonNode.class );
On the server end I have tried both a Spring Controller style and Spring Web Reactive FunctionHandler to process the payload of the above call with a payload that is a Flux.
@PostMapping(path = "/dev/job", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_STREAM_JSON_VALUE)
@ResponseStatus( HttpStatus.CREATED )
public Mono<Void> loadJobs (@RequestBody Flux<Job> jobs) {
return this.repository.create(jobs);
The domain class Job
creates and id when a new object is instantiated:
public Job() {
UUID guid = UUID.randomUUID();
id = guid.toString();
title = "Random String";
The repository currently is just a stub:
public class DemoJobRepository implements ReactiveRepository<Job> {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DemoJobRepository.class);
private final List<Job> jobs = Lists.newArrayList();
public Mono<Void> create(Publisher<Job> jobStream) {
return Flux.from(jobStream).doOnNext(jobs::add).then();
public Flux<Job> getAll() {
return Flux.fromIterable(jobs);
public Mono<Job> findById(String id) {
return null;
I don't see the client attempting to send the requestbody. We I called block
on the client to get the result, I see the client send the request, however the server endpoint always sees an empty flux. Please, any help is very appreciate.
in the repository? – gdash27