I'm trying to implement the recurrent neural network with numpy.
My current input and output designs are as follow:
is of shape: (sequence length, batch size, input dimension)
: (number of layers, number of directions, batch size, hidden size)
initial weight
: (number of directions, 2 * hidden size, input size + hidden size)
: (number of layers -1, number of directions, hidden size, directions*hidden size + hidden size)
: (number of layers, number of directions, hidden size)
I have looked up pytorch API of RNN the as reference (https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html?highlight=rnn#torch.nn.RNN), but have slightly changed it to include initial weight as input. (output shapes are supposedly the same as in pytorch)
While it is running, I cannot determine whether it is behaving right, as I am inputting randomly generated numbers as input.
In particular, I am not so certain whether my input shapes are designed correctly.
Could any expert give me a guidance?
def rnn(xs, h, w0, w=None, b=None, num_layers=2, nonlinearity='tanh', dropout=0.0, bidirectional=False, training=True):
num_directions = 2 if bidirectional else 1
batch_size = xs.shape[1]
input_size = xs.shape[2]
hidden_size = h.shape[3]
hn = []
y = [None]*len(xs)
for l in range(num_layers):
for d in range(num_directions):
if l==0 and d==0:
wi = w0[d, :hidden_size, :input_size].T
wh = w0[d, hidden_size:, input_size:].T
wi = np.reshape(wi, (1,)+wi.shape)
wh = np.reshape(wh, (1,)+wh.shape)
wi = w[max(l-1,0), d, :, :hidden_size].T
wh = w[max(l-1,0), d, :, hidden_size:].T
for i,x in enumerate(xs):
if l==0 and d==0:
ht = np.tanh(np.dot(x, wi) + np.dot(h[l, d], wh) + b[l, d][np.newaxis])
ht = np.reshape(ht,(batch_size, hidden_size)) #otherwise, shape is (bs,1,hs)
ht = np.tanh(np.dot(y[i], wi) + np.dot(h[l, d], wh) + b[l, d][np.newaxis])
y[i] = ht
y = np.asarray(y)
y = np.reshape(y, y.shape+(1,))
return np.asarray(y), np.asarray(hn)