My server is a Windows 2008 server. PHP Version 7.2.7 is installed and running. Sql Server 11 (64 bit) is installed and is working (there is a couple apps running and already using that database)
I downloaded the PHP Sql Server Drivers from Microsofts website and placed the .dll files in the PHP ext directory.
In my PHP.ini I added:extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_7_nts_x64
In my .php file I am using to test my db connection I have:
$SqlServerCon = new PDO("sqlsrv:server=$SqlServer;Database=TheDatabase", "DbUName", "DbPassword");
if (!$SqlServerCon) {die('Unable To Connect to Sql Server');}
{echo "Connection Successful";}
I am getting:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: could not find driver in D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TechStory2\DBtest.php:7
(Line 7 is the $SqlServerCon line).
What did I do wrong? and What do I need to do to get a connection to Sql Server?
at the end of the extension name in your ini. remember to restart the web server after you change this. – delboy1978ukphp_pdo.dll
) is built into your binary. If not, make sure it is loaded before SQLSRV. – ficuscr