Without using VBA, is there any way to find and output the results missing from one array compared to another into cells.
I have two sheets, on Sheet1 is a list of numbers in column B and "N/A" In column J if we are done with them. On Sheet2 is we paste a list of numbers in column B. I need to be able to find the numbers missing from Sheet2 that do not have an "N/A" tag in Sheet1 and output them to column C.
I tried {=INDEX(Sheet1!B:B,MATCH(1,(Sheet1!B:B<>B:B)*(Sheet1!J:J<>"N/A"),0))} but (Sheet1!B:B<>B:B) doesn't seem to be doing what i think it should. I understand that the above formula won't give more than 1 result yet. I would need to add something to eliminate the results already in column C, but one step at a time.