I was computing spearman correlations for matrix. I found the matrix input and two-array input gave different results when using scipy.stats.spearmanr
. The results are also different from pandas.Data.Frame.corr
from scipy.stats import spearmanr # scipy 1.0.1
import pandas as pd # 0.22.0
import numpy as np
X = pd.DataFrame({"A":[-0.4,1,12,78,84,26,0,0], "B":[-0.4,3.3,54,87,25,np.nan,0,1.2], "C":[np.nan,56,78,0,np.nan,143,11,np.nan], "D":[0,-9.3,23,72,np.nan,-2,-0.3,-0.4], "E":[78,np.nan,np.nan,0,-1,-11,1,323]})
matrix_rho_scipy = spearmanr(X,nan_policy='omit',axis=0)[0]
matrix_rho_pandas = X.corr('spearman')
print(matrix_rho_scipy == matrix_rho_pandas.values) # All False except diagonal
print(spearmanr(X['A'],X['B'],nan_policy='omit',axis=0)[0]) # 0.8839285714285714 from scipy 1.0.1
print(spearmanr(X['A'],X['B'],nan_policy='omit',axis=0)[0]) # 0.8829187134416477 from scipy 1.1.0
print(matrix_rho_scipy[0,1]) # 0.8263621207201486
print(matrix_rho_pandas.values[0,1]) # 0.8829187134416477
Later I found Pandas's rho is the same as R's rho.
X = data.frame(A=c(-0.4,1,12,78,84,26,0,0),
B=c(-0.4,3.3,54,87,25,NaN,0,1.2), C=c(NaN,56,78,0,NaN, 143,11,NaN),
D=c(0,-9.3,23,72,NaN,-2,-0.3,-0.4), E=c(78,NaN,NaN,0,-1,-11,1,323))
cor.test(X$A,X$B,method='spearman', exact = FALSE, na.action="na.omit") # 0.8829187
However, Pandas's corr doesn't work with large tables (e.g., here and my case is 16,000).
Thanks to Warren Weckesser's testing, I found the two-array results from Scipy 1.1.0 (but not 1.0.1) are the same results as Pandas and R.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments. Thank you.
I use Python: 3.6.2 (Anaconda); Mac OS: 10.10.5.