
I have multiple forms where users have to specify their country through an auto-complete.

I implemented a service performing the auto-completion (contact backend, handle responses and return suggestions)

Now I want to create a component to reuse throughout all the forms.

This component would depend on:

  • the service I mentioned
  • a matInput field
  • a mat-auto-complete.

The component would implement ControlValueAccessor and MatFormFieldControl

Parent components would use it like this

  <auto-completed-country formControlName="country"></auto-completed-country>

The parent component creates the FormControl named country and specifies its validators (in some forms the country is required, while in others is not).


Usually matInput is bound to a FormControl, and with an auto-complete through the [matAutocomplete] directive.

However in my scenario this would not be the case, as matInput is not bound to the FormControl, which I think it should be ok, as it seems that one can have a matInput not bound to any FormControl.

However I am worried about the [matAutocomplete] directive, which I figured reading the source that it interacts with matInput and its associated FormControl.

How should I approach this?

Am I making things more complicated than necessary?


1 Answers


Auto complete without FormControl will work fine.