I am trying to read packets in a router, like this in python:
# (skipping the exception handling code here)
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.ntohs(0x0003))
while True:
p = s.recvfrom(2000)
pkt = p[0]
# process pkt here ...
Answers to a related question (36115971) say that parameters and methods for UDP vs TCP data are different (some say recv is for TCP and recvfrom is for UDP, and others say the opposite, similarly some say 1024 as buffer size for TCP and larger for UDP, and again some say the reverse). In my case of reading in a router, I do not have different sockets for TCP and UDP, so I need to read both from the same socket, so I am bit confused regarding how I should read the incoming packets.
(1) Should I use recv() or recvfrom(), if I want to read both TCP and UDP packets?
(2) Do the calls return data one packet at a time, or do they return after the buffer is filled up? eg, if I have a large buffer of 4096 bytes, and the incoming streaming 2 packets have 2400 bytes each, will the call return as soon as the 1st packet ends, or will it return after filling up the buffer from the 2nd packet also?
(2a) same question, but if I have a smaller buffer of 2000 bytes. It is clear that on the 1st call I will get the first 2000 bytes of the 1st packet. But on the next call, will I get the last 400 bytes of the 1st packet, or the first 2000 bytes of the 2nd packet?
(3) If I am delayed in making the next call, maybe because I was busy processing the 1st dataset, am I in danger of losing data, or will the OS keep its internal queue of the incoming packets to be given to me when I call the next time? If the OS keeps its internal queue, where can I find information about its size?
NOTE: Some of the given replies have been divergent, so let me put in some boundaries to my question. Hopefully these restrictions will help to give more specific answers.
(a) My objective is to sniff the incoming packets with python sockets only. So other solutions involving tcpdump or tshark etc are outside the scope.
(b) The objective is to only sniff for incoming packets. Additional details like packet reordering (for connection oriented protocols like TCP) are outside the scope, actually they are avoidable overhead.
which allows you to check if a packet is TCP or UDP. Also check out this answer which might be useful. Also it might be better to ask this question on Network Engineering. – game0ver