
In my MainWindow, I have a push button and a menu bar item whose signals are both connected to the same slot. In the slot function, I have written:


This works as expected when the slot function is invoked via the button; however, when the same function is invoked from the menu, the wait cursor doesn't appear. Any idea why?

I also considered using QApplication::setOverrideCursor; however, that causes other problems.

Any recommendations? Thanks!

(I am using Qt 4.7 and doing my development on Windows 7 using Qt Creator with the default MinGW compiler.)

Here's more detail.

in MainWindow constructor: this->setCursor(Qt::CrossCursor);

signal/slot connections:

QObject::connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), MainWindow, SLOT(showMessageBox()));  
QObject::connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), MainWindow, SLOT(showMessageBox())); 

showMessageBox function:

void MainWindow::showMessageBox()
    // display wait cursor briefly before showing message box
    for (int i = 0; i < 1<<30; ) {++i;}
    QMessageBox msgBox;

When showMessageBox is invoked with 'button', the wait cursor is displayed as expected.

When showMessageBox is invoked through 'action', the wait cursor does not appear; instead the cursor changes from Qt::CrossCursor to a Qt::ArrowCursor as soon as the user selects the 'action' menu item, and then changes to Qt::PointingHandCursor once the message box opens. The wait cursor never appears.

What are the problems using setOverrideCursor?Exa
Oh and could you post some more code? Maybe the problem is already happening in the connect macro.Exa
I expanded my post to include some sample code that reproduces the behavior. The inconvenience I found with setOverrideCursor is that if you need to show a message box at some point in a function that displays a wait cursor, then you have to temporarily remove the wait cursor (with restoreOverrideCursor); otherwise the wait cursor will also appear in the dialog box. Also, I found that you should also do the same thing when displaying a Qt-generated dialog (QFileDialog::getOpenFileName) to avoid some flicker.Jan Hettich
tried your code on my ubuntu 10.10 and it working fine: the wait cursor is displayed in both casesserge_gubenko
try using qApp->processEvents(); after you change cursor.Dmitriy

1 Answers


Your code is synchronous and uses a delay loop. When you're in the delay loop, there's no way for any Qt code to execute. A cursor change requires the event loop to be spinning -- so it appears from the symptoms you give.

Here's how to do it correctly -- remember, if you use delays/sleeps and other blocking calls in your GUI code, your users will hate you, and rightly so. Using exec() in message/dialog boxes is also bad style. Your application is asynchronous, code it so. Make sure your slots are declared as such (in the protected slots: section of MainWindow declaration).

void MainWindow::showMessageBox()
    QTimer::singleSlot(200, this, SLOT(slot1()); // fire slot1 after 200ms

void MainWindow::slot1()
    QMessageBox * msgBox = new QMessageBox(this);
    connect(msgBox, buttonClicked(QAbstractButton*), SLOT(slot2(QAbstractButton*)));

void MainWindow::slot2(QAbstractButton* button)
    // a button was clicked on the message box