
I have an RBAC access to Azure portal. Previously I was able to access storage account and blobs successfully. But suddenly I am unable to access container or blob. I am able to view the storage account listed for me, but cannot access it. I get error as "Something went wrong while getting your resources. Please try again later." I tried refreshing, clearing cache and signing again. Still facing same issue. enter image description here

In portal I get notification as "Refresh the browser to try again. Microsoft_Azure_Storage extension failed to load"

enter image description here

There is no network issue, as I can access all other resources from portal at same point. Also there is no Unauthorized access issue notification.

Unable to figure out what is the issue.

Any help highly appreciated.

Change a browser to have a try.Joy Wang-MSFT
If you are still facing this issue, I recommand that you could create a support ticket to get deep help from Azure team.Tom Sun - MSFT
Was the provided below answer helpful for you @Amruta ?Adam Smith - Microsoft Azure

2 Answers


I'd recommend checking the activity logs for recent RBAC changes in case if they happened and someone changed access to containers/blobs, here's how: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/role-based-access-control/change-history-report

I'd also recommend checking the list of roles/access you currently have by following these steps: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/role-based-access-control/change-history-report

If you are still experiencing the issue, in case if you have a co-admin, check if they are facing the same issues. if they are, please send me your subscription ID, link to this thread, and include attn Adam in the subject to AzCommunity[at]microsoft.com ? I'll enable a free support ticket to quickly escalate it.


I hade the same issue while I was using VPN from Bangladesh. When I disconnected from the VPN, it works fine.