Working with the bootstrap-vue component b-table I am using the @row-clicked event to link to another page. The issue occurs in the row where i added checkboxes. I am able to disable the row-clicked event for the checkbox but the rest of the column still links to the other page. So if a user miss-clicks by a smidgen while selecting rows with the checkboxes they are brought to another page. The b-table is part of a vue-component.
So my question is how do i disable the @row-click event for an entire column of b-table instead of just for the checkbox in the column?
Here is my table. I have been throwing @click.native.stop everywhere trying to solve this. the template slot=" " is the column with the checkboxes. I attempted to disable a span of text and the text itself was clickable without triggering the row event but empty space in the box did trigger the row-clicked event.
<b-table ref="table" striped hover responsive foot-clone
<template slot=" " v-on:click.stop="" @click.native.stop slot-scope="row">
<b-form-checkbox @click.native.stop :value="row" block name="checkbox" size="lg" @change="boxChecked(row)"></b-form-checkbox>
<span slot="url" slot-scope="data" v-html="data.value"> </span>
<span slot="connected" @click.native.stop v-on:click.stop="" style="height:100%; width:100%"slot-scope="data" v-html="data.value"></span>
<span slot="enabled" slot-scope="data" v-html="data.value"></span>
<span slot="powered" slot-scope="data" v-html="data.value"></span>
<template slot="vlans.tagged" slot-scope="data">
<div v-for="tagged in data.item['vlans.tagged']">
<template slot="table-caption"> Total count {{totalRows}} </template>