Blobs in azure support custom metadata as a dictionary of key/value pairs you can save foreach file, but in my experience it's not handy in all the cases, specially because you can not query over those without read the blob (azure will charge you that cost) without having in mind the network transfer.
Objects in Azure Storage support system properties and user-defined
metadata, in addition to the data they contain.
System properties: System properties exist on each storage resource.
Some of them can be read or set, while others are read-only. Under the
covers, some system properties correspond to certain standard HTTP
headers. The Azure storage client library maintains these for you.
User-defined metadata: User-defined metadata is metadata that you
specify on a given resource in the form of a name-value pair. You can
use metadata to store additional values with a storage resource. These
additional metadata values are for your own purposes only, and do not
affect how the resource behaves.
I had something very similar to do one time and to avoid creating external databases and connect that I've just created a table in the storage to save each file url from the blob storage without all the properties you need (user permissions) in a unstructured way.
You might find extremely straight forward to query information from the table with python (I did with .net) but I found it's pretty much the same.
Azure Table storage and Azure Cosmos DB are services that store
structured NoSQL data in the cloud, providing a key/attribute store
with a schemaless design. Because Table storage and Azure Cosmos DB
are schemaless, it's easy to adapt your data as the needs of your
application evolve. Access to Table storage and Table API data is fast
and cost-effective for many types of applications, and is typically
lower in cost than traditional SQL for similar volumes of data.
Example code for filtering:
from azure.cosmosdb.table.tableservice import TableService
from azure.cosmosdb.table.models import Entity
table_service = TableService(connection_string='DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myaccount;AccountKey=mykey;TableEndpoint=myendpoint;)
tasks = table_service.query_entities('tasktable', filter="PartitionKey eq 'tasksSeattle'")
for task in tasks:
So you need only create the table and use the keys from azure to connect it.
Hope it helps you.