
There are still several features that are not available in the Microsoft Graph API but are available in Outlook REST API v2.0 and beta versions (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/rest/compare-graph-outlook). We would like to use these features but are concerned that the Outlook REST API will get deprecated soon and we invest time in something that won't be supported.

The documentation notes that its recommended to use the Microsoft Graph API but we could not find any page that reflects the Outlook REST API (v2.0, beta) roadmap / migration plan / the Outlook REST API lifecycle, can you elaborate?


1 Answers


The documentation you linked states that Outlook v2.0 is the same as Graph v1.0:

The Microsoft Graph API offers two versions: v1.0 and beta, while Outlook offers v1.0, v2.0, and beta. Microsoft Graph v1.0 matches Outlook v2.0, and Microsoft Graph beta matches Outlook beta. The Outlook v1.0 version is being deprecated.

So you should just be able to use Graph. Do you have an example of a feature in Outlook v2.0 that's not in Graph v1.0?