I'm setting oauth2 login (facebook) in my web application referring to some document.
- Manual Configuration of OAuth2 Client
In https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/spring-boot-oauth2/
I wrote the complete code, but it did not work.
Below is my oauth client auth flow.
After step 4, I need to send a code and get an access token.
But I can't find the code for this anywhere.
- connect - localhost:8080/login/facebook
- redirect - https://www.facebook.com/v3.0/dialog/oauth?redirect_uri=xxx&state=xxx&scope=public_profile+email+user_birthday&response_type=code&client_id=xxx&ret=login&logger_id=a10dd655-25bb-1234-baab-faeaae59d6e4&ext=1531667216&hash=Aeb1-TBSbxIpZa7c
- facebook login
- redirect - localhost:8008/login/facebook?code={some code}
I tried the following to get the access code using postman. But I received error messsage; Invalid verification code format (error_code 100)
GET - https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?code=##&redirect_uri=##&client_id=##&client_secret=##
How to get access code?..
Why can't I get the access_code?