I have a PCI card, which is basically a clock. It gets the time by GPS and saves the current time in a certain register.
I want to read a limited number of registers/bytes (for example the current time) over and over again, with the lowest possible latency. (The clock provides very high precision and I think I will loose precision the higher the latency is.). The operating system is RedHat. The programming language is C/C++. I also want to write to the device memory, whereby latency is not an issue.
Possible Ways to go:
I see these ways. If you see another, please tell me:
- Writing a Linux kernel module driver, which creates a character device (or one character device for each register to read). Then a user space application can do a "read" on the /dev/ file(s).
- mmap the sysfs resourceX file to user space by a user space application (systemcall). (like here for example)
- Write a Linux kernel module driver which implements a mmap file operation.
- Which is the way with the lowest latency when it comes to the actual reading of the register? I am aware that mmap causes a lot of overhead in the kernel, but as far as I understand that is only for initialisation.
- Is way 3 a legit way to go? It looks like a hack to me. How can I determine the /sys/ path automatically from the application?
- Is there a difference between way 3 and 4? I am new to PCI driver programming and I think I didn't really understand how way 4 works. I read this (and other chapters of that book), but maybe you can give me a hint or an example. I would appreciate that.
. If your clock driver can update a variable inside VDSO it will be fastest way ever. – 0andriy