I'm trying to link SDL2 on Raspbian Stretch, which is debian-based.
I followed the instructions:
Debian-based systems (including Ubuntu) can simply do "sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0" to get the library installed system-wide, and all sorts of other useful dependencies, too.
But I have no idea where in the world that installed it and a find . -name **sdl* didn't really help... meanwhile my build command in gnat still tells me it's not finding anything:
gnatmake -g main.adb -Isource -I../source/win -I../source -I../SDL2 -gnatwk -gnatwr -gnatwu -D objectFiles -largs -lSDL2 -lSDL2_Mixer -lSDL2_ttf obj1.o obj2.o
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lSDL2
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lSDL2_Mixer
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lSDL2_ttf
So I tried building myself according to the instructions below that:
If you're compiling SDL yourself, here's what we refer to as "the Unix way" of building:
- Get a copy of the source code, either from Mercurial or an official tarball or whatever.
- Make a separate build directory (SDL will refuse to build in the base of the source tree).
- Run the configure script to set things up.
- Run "make" to compile SDL.
- Run "make install" to install your new SDL build on the system.
This looks something like this:
hg clone https://hg.libsdl.org/SDL SDL cd SDL mkdir build cd build ../configure make sudo make install
Everything did what it was supposed to do (or at least nothing said it DIDN'T do what it was supposed to do) but now I still don't know how to link it. I tried copying the libsdl2.so file to the working directory and changing -lSDL2 to -llibsdl2 but no luck. Obviously I need to do the same procedure with the other libraries but I was hoping I could worry about one at a time.
There are further instructions but they seem to apply specifically to C:
Once you have the library installed, you can use the sdl2-config program to help you compile your own code:
gcc -o myprogram myprogram.c `sdl2-config --cflags --libs`
And I don't know how to do something similar for Ada.
Problem is, I just have no experience linking in Linux and all the stuff I can find on the internet is so general I can't apply it to my case.
As for why in the world I would want to do this, building this for Raspberry Pi wasn't something I intended from the start of the project, but it has kind of become important for me to be able to do so.
Does anyone know how I can get this working? I can build it with no problem on Windows, so it's really just a matter of getting the library into a state where I can like it for a build on Linux.
dpkg -L libsdl2-2.0
should tellyou what it installed. You're likely to needlibsdl2-2.0-dev
too. The same goes for ttf and mixer, these are separate libraries. – keltar