I cannot connect to my fresh new instance of SQL Server Express Edition from the Internet.
~$ sudo nc -vz <HOST>.eu-west-3.rds.amazonaws.com 1433
nc: connect to <HOST>.eu-west-3.rds.amazonaws.com port 1433 (tcp) failed: Connection timed out
I have already configured AWS security group assigned to this database instance. My inbound and outbound rules are:
type: all trafic
protocol: all
port range: all
source: ::/0
Also, everything looks fine on AWS Management Console:
DB instance status: available
Pending maintenance: none
Publicly accessible: Yes
Locally, I have also disabled my ufw:
~$ sudo ufw status verbose
Status: inactive
and iptables:
~$ sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT && sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT && sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT && sudo iptables -F
But still, nothing works. (the same happens both to my SQL Server Express Edition and PostgreSQL 9.4.15 on AWS)