I'm developing an aplication and when I imported the wsdl webservices with jaxws wsimport, this abstracted the complex types for Java classes. But it abstracted as classes just the body response and I need to get some data in the webservice response header, How can I get access to the webservice response header using jaxws on the client side?
//Instance of Service
SessionCreateRQService sessionCreateService = new SessionCreateRQService();
SessionCreatePortType requestSessionCreate = sessionCreateService.getSessionCreatePortType();
//Get datas to request header
MessageHeader messageHeader = getMessageHeader(MESSAGE_ID, timestamp, URI_PartyId, Services.SessionCreateRQ ,Actions.SessionCreateRQ);
Holder<MessageHeader> holderMessage = new Holder<MessageHeader>(messageHeader);
//Get another datas to request header
Security security = getSecuritySessionCreateRQ();
Holder<Security> holderSecurity = new Holder<>(security);
//Get datas to quest body
SessionCreateRQ body = new SessionCreateRQ();
//Call the websevice and receiving the response.
// ---->>>I need access the response webservice header here.<<-----
SessionCreateRS sessionCreateRS = requestSessionCreate.sessionCreateRQ(holderMessage, holderSecurity, body);
Thank you.