I put the Conditional Formatting "=AND(COUNTIF(A:A,A1)>1,COUNTIF(C:C,C1)>1)" on columns A through C. I did this with the goal of highlighting all rows where both the value in Column A and the Value in Column C are identical to another row in the spreadsheet. What is wrong with my logic, and why doesn't it work? It highlights things without any pattern that I can discern.
2 Answers
Base the CFR on,
=AND(COUNTIFS(A:A, A1, C:C, C1)>1)
Your formula didn't work because it was saying If A1 is in any row in column A more than once and C1 is in any row in column C more than once then true. In short, there was no commitment to the duplicates being in the same row.
Before you ask about the AND in a comment, it's just my formula writing style. The formula returns the same result without the AND(...) wrapper.