
I downloaded the otf files from this website. My IT dept installed "Font Awesome 5 Free Regular" and I used

loadfonts(device = "win")

I can see Font Awesome as "Font Awesome 5 Free Regular" is registered. When I tried to use it with this test code:

waffle(c(50, 30, 15, 5), rows = 5, use_glyph = "music", glyph_size = 6)

I get

Error: FontAwesome not found. Install via: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/master/fonts

but that link doesn't go anywhere.

I would like to use Font Awesome (or a good alternative) to make interesting waffle charts. Did I load the font incorrectly? Is there a better alternative I am missing? I have been using this article as a guide. I have also read a related question here on stackoverflow, but it did not help. I have restarted Rstudio (and the computer) several times and no luck.


Still not working. I have removed and reinstalled the waffle and emojifont packages. I Still get the error code : "Error: FontAwesome not found. Install via: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/master/fonts"


4 Answers


You may want to try using FontAwesome v. 4.7 I had the same issue as you but it resolved itself immediately when I installed the .ttf version.


I know this question was asked and answered quite a while ago, but the answer didn't help me with my code, and I found something that did from this source: https://www.listendata.com/2019/06/create-infographics-with-r.html They have a step-by-step directions for downloading fontawesome using the extrafont library. Really easy. Hope this helps someone! Basically, download the fontawesome-webfont.ttf, then:

extrafont::font_import (path="C:/Users/insert/your/own/path", pattern = "awesome", prompt = FALSE)
loadfonts(device = "win")
# check to see if it works:
fonts()[grep("Awesome", fonts())]
#returns fontawesome

Then use use_glyph = argument in making your waffle chart.


For anyone who ends up here in 2021 and fails to get it working with extrafont, here is an alternative approach:

  1. Use the legacy FontAwesome ttf, that Silviculturalist linked to: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/releases/tag/v4.7.0
  2. Extract fontawesome-webfont.ttf to your work directory (or some directory you can access)
  3. Use the waffle, emojifont and showtext packages to create the chart, sample code below
install.packages(c("waffle", "emojifont", "showtext"))

font_add(family = "FontAwesome", 
         regular = "fontawesome-webfont.ttf")

waffle(c(5,12,18), rows = 5, use_glyph = "subway", glyph_size = 10, 
title = "Subways!", legend_pos="right")

If you are going to use the font-awesome glyphs in ggplot2 plots then you can use the wonderful emojifont package. No need to add the font manually yourself.

waffle(c(50, 30, 15, 5), rows = 5, use_glyph = "music", glyph_size = 4)

That produces the graph you are after:

enter image description here

Update: Since you have installed the otf fonts and not the ttf fonts that might be the cause of your problems. The load.fontawesome() function in the emojifontpackage has a default argument:

load.fontawesome(font = "fontawesome-webfont.ttf")

You could try to 1) either install the ttf version of the fonts or 2) call

load.fontawesome(font = "fontawesome-webfont.otf")

before plotting (although I'm not sure the latter will work). Worth a try though.