
ioredis (v3.2.2) doesn't seem to be listening to my Redis pub/sub events, and I'm not sure why

I'm starting a server that listens to incoming messages, as:

var Redis = require('ioredis');

redis.monitor(function (err, monitor) {
  monitor.on('monitor', function (time, args, source, database) {
    console.log(time + ": " + util.inspect(args));

redis.psubscribe('*', function(err, count) {
  console.log("Listening to " + count + " channels.");

// republish any data received
redis.on('pmessage', function(subscribed, channel, message) {
  console.log("pmessage: " + message);

When I run the above, the log output shows:

Listening to 1 channels.

When I publish a message into the redis server's queue, the log output shows:

1531403083.031496: [ 'SELECT', '0' ]
1531403083.036594: [ 'RPUSH',
  '{## JSON message body ##}' ]

So: I'm clearly connected to the server and receiving data, but I don't understand:

  1. Why the monitor callback isn't logging a PSUBSCRIBE or PUBLISH event, which is probably why:
  2. The pmessage callback function isn't being fired

Any suggestions?

Where did the redis object come from? I don't see it instantiated anywhere.Asma Rahim Ali Jafri

1 Answers


Solved. I'd forgotten to start the queue listener service, as documented here: https://laravel.com/docs/5.1/events#broadcasting-events