does anyone have VBA code to highlight duplicate rows based on three columns?
I'm using a sheet called "Billing Voucher (Part 1)" I would like to create a button that highlights duplicate rows in blue (only based on three columns) when pressed.
For example,
| D E I
1 | 1 1 1
2 | 1 2 7
3 | 7 9 1
4 | 1 1 1
Based on the above, the program should highlight row 1 and 4.
I'm not sure why is it so difficult to find the right code to highlight duplicates.
I cant use conditional formatting because it slows my computer tremendously, and a lot of the reusable code seems to either be overly complex, or does something else.
I've seen so many instances of code, isn't there a simple way to create the program without being overly complex