I want to install Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore and its component. I am using Visual Studio 2015 with NuGet Client version previously 3.5.0 and now I have 3.6.0-rtm-2511 (which is the latest) downloaded from https://www.nuget.org/downloads as instructed by error report. I don't know why issue still persist that I need to have 3.6.0 or higher.
How to update my NuGet Package Manager in other way?
I can't find my Nuget Package Manager for Visual Studio in Update from Tools > Extension and Updates > Updates > Visual Studio Gallery.
I can only see it in Tools > Extension and Updates > Installed but there is no update for it but I noticed that 'Automatically update this extension' is checked.
Result from PM Console
PM> install-package microsoft.entityframeworkcore.sqlserver
GET https://api.nuget.org/v3/registration3-gz-semver2/microsoft.entityframeworkcore.sqlserver/index.json
OK https://api.nuget.org/v3/registration3-gz-semver2/microsoft.entityframeworkcore.sqlserver/index.json 329ms
Retrieving package 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer 2.1.1' from 'nuget.org'.
Install failed. Rolling back...
Uninstalling NuGet package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.2.1.1.
Executing nuget actions took 162.34 ms
install-package : The 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer 2.1.1' package requires NuGet client version '3.6.0' or above, but the current NuGet
version is '3.6.0-rtm-2511'. To upgrade NuGet, please go to http://docs.nuget.org/consume/installing-nuget
At line:1 char:1
+ install-package microsoft.entityframeworkcore.sqlserver
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PackageManagement.PowerShellCmdlets.InstallPackageCommand
Time Elapsed: 00:00:33.0573364