
I have one file called helper.js that consist of two functions

export const funcA = (key) => {
   return funcB(key)

export const funcB = (key,prop) => {
   return someObj;

I have my helper.spec.js to test the helper.js file functions.

import {funcA,funcB} from 'helper';

describe('helper', () => {
   test('testFuncB', () => {

   test('testFuncA', () => {


The test for funcB is pretty simple i just call it and expect someObj
The problem is to test funcA, in order to test it i want to mock the response of funcB.

I want testFuncB call the actual funcB and testFuncA call mocked funcB

How can i achieve funcB to be mocked and original in my two tests?

This is not a duplicate. It is a different case: they mock inner called functions only, if I remove the testFuncB then it will be the same but I must perform test on testFuncB too.

The answer is only part of my question. updated the question.Alexander Gorelik
you can try to mock funcB only inside the testFuncA.ronapelbaum
How do i do it? do you have a code example?Alexander Gorelik

7 Answers


If an ES6 module directly exports two functions (not within a class, object, etc., just directly exports the functions like in the question) and one directly calls the other, then that call cannot be mocked.

In this case, funcB cannot be mocked within funcA the way the code is currently written.

A mock replaces the module export for funcB, but funcA doesn't call the module export for funcB, it just calls funcB directly.

Mocking funcB within funcA requires that funcA call the module export for funcB.

That can be done in one of two ways:

Move funcB to its own module


export const funcB = () => {
  return 'original';


import { funcB } from './funcB';

export const funcA = () => {
  return funcB();


import * as funcBModule from './funcB';
import { funcA } from './helper';

describe('helper', () => {

  test('test funcB', () => {
    expect(funcBModule.funcB()).toBe('original');  // Success!

  test('test funcA', () => {
    const spy = jest.spyOn(funcBModule, 'funcB');

    expect(funcA()).toBe('mocked');  // Success!


Import the module into itself

"ES6 modules support cyclic dependencies automatically" so it is perfectly valid to import a module into itself so that functions within the module can call the module export for other functions in the module:


import * as helper from './helper';

export const funcA = () => {
  return helper.funcB();

export const funcB = () => {
  return 'original';


import * as helper from './helper';

describe('helper', () => {

  test('test funcB', () => {
    expect(helper.funcB()).toBe('original');  // Success!

  test('test funcA', () => {
    const spy = jest.spyOn(helper, 'funcB');

    expect(helper.funcA()).toBe('mocked');  // Success!


Late answer but this should work. Also you should test funcB in its own file and not inside the 'helper' tests.

import { funcB } from './funcB';
import { funcA } from './helper';


describe('helper', () => {
    test('test funcA', () => {
        const funcBSpy = jest.fn();
        funcB.mockImplementation(() => funcBSpy());

import * as helper from 'helper';

    describe('helper', () => {
       it('should test testFuncA', () => {
          const mockTestFuncB = jest.mock();
          // spy on calls to testFuncB and respond with a mock function

           mockTestFuncB.spyOn(helper, 'testFuncB').mockReturnValue(/*your expected return value*/);

          // test logic

          // Restore helper.testFuncB to it's original function

I create a kind of nameSpace to handle this issue:

let helper = {}

const funcA = (key) => {
   return helper.funcB(key)

const funcB = (key,prop) => {
    return someObj;

helper = { funcA, funcB }

module.exports = helper

and then mocking is obvious with jest.fn


You can do the following trick when you test the funcA:

1.Mock the funcB:

helper.funcB = jest.fn().mockImplementationOnce(() => <your data>);

2.Change the funcB(key) to this.funcB(key)

I had the same problem and worked! Full Code:

export const funcA = (key) => {
    return this.funcB(key)

export const funcB = (key,prop) => {
    return someObj;

Test Code:

import helper from 'helper';

describe('helper', () => {
   test('testFuncB', () => {
   test('testFuncA', () => {
       helper.funcB = jest.fn().mockImplementationOnce(() => <your data>);

You can use babel-plugin-rewire provided __set__ function to mock internal function.

Assuming you have set up babel-plugin-rewire.


import {funcA, __set__} as helper from './helper';

describe('helper', () => {
  test('test funcA', () => {
    __set__('funcB', () => {
      return 'funcB return value'

    expect(funcA()).toBe('funcB return value'); 

One advantage of this solution is you don't need to change any original code


I think this might work

import * as helper from 'helper';

describe('helper', () => {
   test('testFuncB', () => {

   test('testFuncA', () => {
      const mockTestFuncB = jest.mock();
      // spy on calls to testFuncB and respond with a mock function
      jest.spyOn(helper, 'testFuncB').mockImplementationOnce(mockTestFuncB);

      // Do the testing ...

      // Restore helper.testFuncB to it's original function