I have draw a Primefaces Web page using following code
<p:outputPanel id="TitlePanel">
<p:outputLabel escape="false" value="#{pageTitle}"/>
I want now transform this <p:outputPanel>
in a toggleable panel using following code.
<p:panel id="TitlePanel"
<p:outputLabel escape="false" value="#{pageTitle}"/>
But this don't work because #{pageTitle}
is displayed after header of first panel !
I have tried following code
<p:panel id="TitlePanel"
But this don't work because HTML tag returned by#{pageTitle}
are escaped and displayed in title that is not very readable :-)
How can I add HTML tag in 'header' attribute ?
My question is distint from jsf primefaces add p:inputText to p:panel 's header because I search to display output text with specific formatting and the linked question search to insert an input widget in header. The answer is same but the question is different.