I have to fetch some data which comes in table after filling some drop downs. Bet when I am selecting dropdowns using getElementsByTagName("select") method it is not returning anything. Here is my code:
wb := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")
wb.visible := false
Load(wb, path)
inputs := wb.Document.getElementsByTagName("select")
;inputs := wb.document.all.4BBCFB71421E47CD15CA52B8AE2847AD.name
l := inputs.length
MsgBox %l%
Load(wb, what){
while wb.Busy
wb.Visible := true
This code is printing 0 always. Any help will be much appreciated.
inputs := wb.Document.Form[0].getElementsByTagName("select")
and if that doesn't work, maybe loop through them using the indexinputs := wb.Document.getElementsByTagName("select")[0].innerhtml
(or referencing the Form[0]) and let us know. – PGilm