Sometime when i deploy things to firebase hosting, i found that some file will not being uploaded to firebase.
In my public folder, there are 23 files
But when i deploy it to hosting, it only upload 22 files.
What i did before the deployment is just delete the previous version of hosting in the console.
I tried to re-deploy like 10 times but still the same.
Can some one expert can teach me how to solve this issue?
Thank you.
Edited Here is the firebase.json
"hosting": {
"public": "public",
"ignore": [
"rewrites": [
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html"
The missing file is config.json
that placed in the public/assets/config/
New Finding/Answer For those who got the same issue, you just have to wait more 15 mins and hard refresh(Ctrl + F5) the page again. Not sure is this caused by CDN or cache issue at server side. Because the other html & js code is updated, just my config.json not reflecting immediately.
property in yourfirebase.json
. If that's not it, please update your question with yourfirebase.json
and the specific if what precise file is being skipped. – Frank van Puffelenfirebase.json
in the post. The missing file isconfig.json
that placed in thepublic/assets/config/
folder. – Jerry