I'm using the Typo3 blog extension (tx_blog) for my website. In the blog template the link for the category overview comes from the viewhelper blog:link.category. It creates a nice URI without query parameters or chash (/blog/category/flowers) as configured.
I now need to create a link to the same category page from a template from another extension. Using the same viewhelper gives me the above uri but it adds the controller and action from my own extension as query parameters.
So I copied the viewhelper and changed the urifor call to pass on the values of the blog extension. The action when set to NULL is gone, but the controller is still added. Also the chash parameter is still there.
How can I get the right URI from a different extension context?
viewhelper and all it's parameter? fluidtypo3.org/viewhelpers/fluid/7.6.0/Link/… – Bernd Wilke πφ