I am trying to move xml files from s3 to Neptune with bellow steps.
from the below path I have followed below topic to move the data from s3 to neptune https://docs.aws.amazon.com/neptune/latest/userguide/bulk-load-tutorial-IAM.html
•Creating an IAM Role to Allow Amazon Neptune to Access Amazon S3 resources I have created a role name "NeptuneLoadfroms3" as suggested in above topic
•Adding the IAM Role to an Amazon Neptune Cluster I have followed the steps as suggested but in step5 mentioned that we need to add the role which created in previous topic , but I could not find the role name which was created Neputneloadfroms3. It is showing role name is AWSServiceRoleForRDS
•Creating the Amazon S3 VPC Endpoint
Can some one help me to understand the role assignment process .
My final goal is to copy xml file from s3 to Neptune.
Regards, SP