I have searched over the web can can't find anything to help me. I want to make the first letter of each word upper case within a variable.
So far i have tried:
And had no luck, as it uppercases all letters.
Use the .replace
[MDN] function to replace the lowercase letters that begin a word with the capital letter.
var str = "hello world";
str = str.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
alert(str); //Displays "Hello World"
Edit: If you are dealing with word characters other than just a-z, then the following (more complicated) regular expression might better suit your purposes.
var str = "петр данилович björn über ñaque αλφα";
str = str.toLowerCase().replace(/^[\u00C0-\u1FFF\u2C00-\uD7FF\w]|\s[\u00C0-\u1FFF\u2C00-\uD7FF\w]/g, function(letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
alert(str); //Displays "Петр Данилович Björn Über Ñaque Αλφα"
http://phpjs.org/functions/ucwords:569 has a good example
function ucwords (str) {
return (str + '').replace(/^([a-z])|\s+([a-z])/g, function ($1) {
return $1.toUpperCase();
(omitted function comment from source for brevity. please see linked source for details)
EDIT: Please note that this function uppercases the first letter of each word (as your question asks) and not just the first letter of a string (as your question title asks)
just wanted to add a pure javascript solution ( no JQuery )
function capitalize(str) {
strVal = '';
str = str.split(' ');
for (var chr = 0; chr < str.length; chr++) {
strVal += str[chr].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str[chr].substring(1, str[chr].length) + ' '
return strVal
console.log(capitalize('hello world'));
I imagine you could use substring() and toUpperCase() to pull out the first character, uppercase it, and then replace the first character of your string with the result.
myString = "cheeseburger";
firstChar = myString.substring( 0, 1 ); // == "c"
tail = myString.substring( 1 ); // == "heeseburger"
myString = firstChar + tail; // myString == "Cheeseburger"
I think that should work for you. Another thing to consider is that if this data is being displayed, you can add a class to its container that has the CSS property "text-transform: capitalize".
Ever heard of substr()
For a starter :
Thanks to @FelixKling for the tip:
$("#test").text(function(i, text) {
return text.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + text.substr(1);
Building on @peter-olson's answer, I took a more object oriented approach without jQuery:
String.prototype.ucwords = function() {
return this.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
alert("hello world".ucwords()); //Displays "Hello World"
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/LzaYH/1/
Based completely on @Dementric 's answer, this solution is ready to call with a simple jQuery method, 'ucwords'... Thanks to everyone who contributed here!!!
ucwords : function(str) {
strVal = '';
str = str.split(' ');
for (var chr = 0; chr < str.length; chr++) {
strVal += str[chr].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str[chr].substring(1, str[chr].length) + ' '
return strVal
EXAMPLE: This can be called using the method
var string = "this is a test";
string = $.ucwords(string); // Returns "This Is A Test"
You can use text-transform: capitalize;
for this work -
<input type="text" style="text-transform: capitalize;" />
JQuery -
$(document).ready(function (){
var asdf = "WERTY UIOP";
Note: It's only change visual representation of the string. If you alert this string it's always show original value of the string.
The string to lower before Capitalizing the first letter.
(Both use Jquery syntax)
function CapitaliseFirstLetter(elementId) {
var txt = $("#" + elementId).val().toLowerCase();
$("#" + elementId).val(txt.replace(/^(.)|\s(.)/g, function($1) {
return $1.toUpperCase(); }));
In addition a function to Capitalise the WHOLE string:
function CapitaliseAllText(elementId) {
var txt = $("#" + elementId).val();
$("#" + elementId).val(txt.toUpperCase());
Syntax to use on a textbox's click event:
onClick="CapitaliseFirstLetter('TextId'); return false"
I have used this code -
function ucword(str){
str = str.toLowerCase().replace(/(^([a-zA-Z\p{M}]))|([ -][a-zA-Z\p{M}])/g, function(replace_latter) {
return replace_latter.toUpperCase();
}); //Can use also /\b[a-z]/g
return str; //First letter capital in each word
var uc = ucword("good morning. how are you?");
<input class="capitalize" name="Address" type="text" value="" />
Javascript with jQuery:
$(".capitalize").bind("keyup change", function (e) {
if ($(this).val().length == 1)
$(this).val($(this).val().toLowerCase().replace(/\s[\p{L}a-z]/g, function (letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
Here is unicode-safe ucwords() function, which additionally respects double-lastnames like Russian Засс-Ранцев and some noble names like Honoré de Balzac, d'Artagnan, Vincent van Gogh, Otto von Bismarck, Sulaymān ibn Dāwūd, etc:
String.prototype.ucwords = function() {
return this.toLowerCase()
.replace(/(^|\s|\-)[^\s$]/g, function(m) {
return m.toUpperCase();
// French, Arabic and some noble names...
.replace(/\s(Of|De|Van|Von|Ibn|Из|Ван|Фон|Ибн)\s/g, function(m) { // Honoré de Balzac, Vincent van Gogh, Otto von Bismarck, Sulaymān ibn Dāwūd etc.
return m.toLowerCase();
.replace(/(^|\s)(D|Д)(['’][^\s$])/g, function(m, p1, p2, p3) { // D'Artagnan or d'Artagnan / Д’Артаньян или д’Артаньян
return p1 + (p1 === "" ? p2/*.toUpperCase()*/ : p2.toLowerCase()) + p3.toUpperCase();