
I'm trying to run a Rust Hello World on my STM32F401xB. I have a working C program for comparison (different functionality, but it verifies the flashing toolchain) and use the same openocd commands to flash both programs onto the controller.

When I flash the C program, I get:

** Verified OK **
adapter speed: 2002 kHz

When I flash the Rust program, I get the following:

** Verified OK **
adapter speed: 2002 kHz
target halted due to breakpoint, current mode: Thread
xPSR: 0x21000000 pc: 0x08002f42 msp: 0x2000ffa0

note the two extra lines. When I connect using gdb and continue, I get the Hello, World! printout through semihosting, so the program does in principle execute fine - it just pauses before main even though I have not set a breakpoint. My procedure for both binaries is the same. What could be going on? Why are the two binaries behaving differently?

  • I used svd2rust to create a stm32f40x crate from the official stm32f401.svd
  • I used the cortex-m-quickstart and basically the hello.rs example - configuring memory.x and adding the dependency to stm32f40x of course
  • there are no special configurations (that I would have identified) in my project, and the same behavior happens for debug and release builds.
Show the disassembly of the code at the breakpoint. It is possible that the code contains a direct beakpoint instruction in a conditional of the form if debugger attached then break Also this may be relevant - specifically the part about changing the start-on-startup symbol from main to helloworld::mainClifford
The cortex-m-quickstart uses #![no_main] and entry!(func); to define the entry function into the binary, so I don't think the problem is with a symbol name. But I'm sure you're right that I'll see a breakpoint in the disassembly; probably from semihosting as Turbo J wrote. Thanks!Silly Freak

1 Answers


I get the Hello, World! printout through semihosting

Check the semihosting documentation. Last time I checked, semihosting works using breakpoints on several ARM targets.

Your C program probably does not use semihosting at all, so no breakpoints are used.