I was reading the tutorial on Multivariate Time Series Forecasting with LSTMs in Keras https://machinelearningmastery.com/multivariate-time-series-forecasting-lstms-keras/#comment-442845
I have followed through the entire tutorial and got stuck with a problem which is as follows-
In this tutorial, the train and test splits have 8 features viz., 'pollution', 'dew', 'temp', 'press', 'wnd_dir', 'wnd_spd', 'snow', 'rain' at step 't-1', while the output feature is 'pollution' at current step 't'. This is because, the framing of the dataset as a supervised learning problem is about predicting the 'pollution' at current hour/time step 't', given the pollution and weather measurements at the prior hour/time step 't-1'
After fitting the model to the training and testing data splits, what if I want to make predictions for a new dataset having 7 features since it does not have 'pollution' feature in it and I explicitly just want to predict for this one feature using the other 7 features.
Thanks for your help!
How do I handle such a situation? (while the remaining 7 features remain the same)
Edit- Assume that my dataset has the following 3 features while training/fitting the model- shop_number, item_number, number_of_units_sold
AFTER, I have trained the LSTM model, I get a dataset having the features- 'shop_number' AND 'item_number'. The dataset DOES NOT have 'number_of_units_sold'.
The 'input_shape' argument in 'LSTM' has 1 as time step and 3 as features while training. But while predicting, I have 1 time step but ONLY 2 features (as 'number_of_units_sold' is what I have to predict).
So how should I proceed?