
i implemented firebase method of ios dynamic link. it works fine when app installed, it open app. but when app uninstalled, dynamic link did not open app store of the app.

i read firebase and it said need to add efr=1. how to add it? example my link: https://c4334.app.goo.gl/pHFzwRKfqzdP1LZ37

i tried to add it like this: https://c4334.app.goo.gl/pHFzwRKfqzdP1LZ37?efr=1 but when i click the link it said 404

how to implement dynamic link so it can open app store when app uninstalled?

how to use efr=1? is that efr=1 in example link correct? please guide me to correct redirect to app store example link


2 Answers


I think you need to add the isi parameter to your URL with the value set to your app's App Store ID.

You can read about all the parameters here

You can also use the Firebase Console to create Dynamic Links which can be simpler as it puts all the information into the link for you.

General info about all the ways you can create Dynamic Links


You need to add the isi param to your URL AND you have to set properly the ID App Store field in the settings of your IOS project in the firebase console, then the dynamic link on IOS will know where to look and redirect on the app store following your app store ID.

Your App Store ID is your app Apple ID and you can find it in the appstore connect page in your App information section.