I have a table in my database which is occupying 161GB hard disk space. Only 5 gb free space is left out of 200Gb harddisk.
The following command shows that my table is consuming 161GB harddisk space,
select pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('Employee'));
There are close to 527 rows in the table. Now I deleted 250 rows. Again I checked the pg_total_relation_size of Employee. Still the size is 161GB.
After seeing the output of the above query, I ran the vacuum command:
I checked if the VACUUM actually happened using,
SELECT relname, last_vacuum, last_autovacuum FROM pg_stat_user_tables;
I can see the last vacuum time matching the time I ran the VACUUM command.I also ran the below command to see if there any dead tuples,
SELECT relname, n_dead_tup FROM pg_stat_user_tables
; n_dead_tup count for Employee table is 0.Still after all these above commands if I run,
select pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('Employee'));
it still shows 161GB.
May I please know the reason behind this? Also please correct me on how to free interface_list.