I am writing a very simple RSS reader - all it needs to do is get the xml doc, and print to the console the title and publish date of every item. I got started using these two questions:
How can I get started making a C# RSS Reader?
Reading the Stack Overflow RSS feed
I'm trying to figure out how to subscribe, and as far as I can figure you do it one of two ways. Send an HTTP request to the feed site so it pushes you updates as they come, or poll the site every X seconds and simply print the new ones.
I find it difficult the believe that there is no way to subscribe due to the millions of RSS readers running at any given moment, popular RSS sites like facebook, twitter, or myspace would be hit hundreds of millions of times per second due to all the RSS readers "subscribed" to it and look like a DOS attack.
So what is the "standard" way to subscribe to an RSS feed, if such a standard truely exists?