
When creating various Kubernetes objects in GKE, associated GCP resources are automatically created. I'm specifically referring to:

  • forwarding-rules
  • target-http-proxies
  • url-maps
  • backend-services
  • health-checks

These have names such as k8s-fw-service-name-tls-ingress--8473ea5ff858586b.

After deleting a cluster, these resources remain. How can I identify which of these are still in use (by other Kubernetes objects, or another cluster) and which are not?


2 Answers


There is no easy way to identify which added GCP resources (LB, backend, etc.) are linked to which cluster. You need to manually go into these resources to see what they are linked to.

If you delete a cluster with additional resources attached, you have to also manually delete these resources as well. At this time, I would suggest taking note of which added GCP resources are related to which cluster, so that you will know which resources to delete when the time comes to deleting the GKE cluster.

I would also suggest to create a feature request here to request for either a more defined naming convention for additional GCP resources being created linked to a specific cluster and/or having the ability to automatically delete all additonal resources linked to a cluster when deleting said cluster.


I would recommend you to look at https://github.com/kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way/blob/master/docs/14-cleanup.md

You can easily delete all the objects by using the google cloud sdk in the following manner :

gcloud -q compute firewall-rules delete \
kubernetes-the-hard-way-allow-nginx-service \
kubernetes-the-hard-way-allow-internal \
kubernetes-the-hard-way-allow-external \

  gcloud -q compute routes delete \
  kubernetes-route-10-200-0-0-24 \
  kubernetes-route-10-200-1-0-24 \

  gcloud -q compute networks subnets delete kubernetes

  gcloud -q compute networks delete kubernetes-the-hard-way

  gcloud -q compute forwarding-rules delete kubernetes-forwarding-rule \
  --region $(gcloud config get-value compute/region)

  gcloud -q compute target-pools delete kubernetes-target-pool

  gcloud -q compute http-health-checks delete kubernetes

  gcloud -q compute addresses delete kubernetes-the-hard-way

This assumes you named your resources 'kubernetes-the-hard-way', if you do not know the names, you can also use various filter mechanisms to filter resources by namespaces etc to remove these.