playing with ethereum smart contracts I encountered a following problem. The contract gets deployed on Ropsten and then I'm trying to call function 'addRecipe' with the following code on geth:
recipes.addRecipe(300, "zupa", "zupa z trupa", {from:web3.eth.accounts[0], gas: 20000000})
The function looks as following:
function addRecipe(uint256 _price, string _name, string _content) public {
recipes[recipeCount].price = _price;
recipes[recipeCount].name = _name;
recipes[recipeCount].content = _content;
recipes[recipeCount].recipeOwner = msg.sender;
I get the TX hash but looking up the transaction in Etherscan gives
Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Bad instruction]
You can check it up here:
Adding 'payable' modifier to the function or using the following command doesn't give any better results...
recipes.addRecipe.sendTransaction(300, "zupa", "zupa z trupa", {from:web3.eth.accounts[0], gas: 200000000})
The whole contract:
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract Recipes {
address owner;
uint256 recipeCount = 0;
struct Recipe {
string name;
string content;
uint256 price;
address recipeOwner;
Recipe[] public recipes;
function () public {
owner = msg.sender;
function kill() public {
require (msg.sender == owner);
function addRecipe(uint256 _price, string _name, string _content) public {
recipes[recipeCount].price = _price;
recipes[recipeCount].name = _name;
recipes[recipeCount].content = _content;
recipes[recipeCount].recipeOwner = msg.sender;
function showRecipes(uint256 _id) constant returns(string) {
return recipes[_id].content;