I have a dataset with staff and their job roles, and each job role is assigned a code: 0 for top-management, 1 for middle-management, and 2 for general staff. I now want to plot these roles using a hierarchical graph, so that all code 0 staff are on the top, 1 in the middle, and 2 at the bottom. I've found the layout in iGraph to do this (see below), however don't know how to control which nodes appear where. Is there a parameter that I'm missing to control this? Any help would be appreciated.
CSV: https://github.com/Laurie-Bamber/Enron_Corpus/blob/master/15Below_60Employees_1.csv
Role Codes: https://github.com/Laurie-Bamber/Enron_Corpus/blob/master/Dict_role_code.csv
GML: https://github.com/Laurie-Bamber/Enron_Corpus/blob/master/15Below_60Employees_1.gml
P.S. edges refer to emails between staff, not measures of hierarchy.
G = Graph.Read_GML('Test.gml')
visual_style['layout'] = G.layout_reingold_tilford()
plot(G, **visual_style)
arguments? – seralouk