I had set Content-Type in RequestSpecBuilder as "ContentType.JSON". But on making a GET request, I get Content-Type as "application/xml" in response. How do i get back a json response? I have tried below approaches: 1. Set content type in RequestSpecBuilder object using setContentType method of RequestSpecBuilder class to "ContentType.JSON" and pass RequestSpecBuilder object in spec method of RequestSpecification --- got "application/xml" in response
- Set content type in RequestSpecification object using contentType method of RequestSpecification and pass ContentType.JSON as parameter --- still got "application/xml" in response
Note: The webservice URL requires ".json" to be explicitly specified to get a json response else by default it returns a "xml" response. However, I wanted to set content type by using RequestSpecBuilder. Eg: for Json response: URL -- http://ergast.com/api/f1/2017/circuits.json for Xml response: URL -- http://ergast.com/api/f1/2017/circuits
public void test_AddHeader() {
//Use of RequestSpecification
String pathUrl = "http://ergast.com/api/f1/2017/circuits";
RequestSpecBuilder requestSpecBuilder = new RequestSpecBuilder();
requestSpecBuilder = requestSpecBuilder.
addQueryParam("limit", "10"); //added query param
RequestSpecification addRequestSpec = requestSpecBuilder.build();
RequestSpecification httpRequest = RestAssured.given().spec(addRequestSpec).contentType(ContentType.JSON);
Response httpResponse = httpRequest.get();
System.out.println(httpResponse.getContentType()); //returns application/xml
System.out.println(httpResponse.getStatusLine()); //returns HTTP/1.1 200 OK
System.out.println(httpResponse.getBody().asString());//returns XML response