I have create a class library in C# and compiled as a dll. I added a website to the solution and have no issue with calling the methods in the dll from asp.net. However, when I try to use it in classic asp using Server.CreateObject I get the error "Server.CreateObject Failed".
I have read everything I can find. I have done the following:
- Went to Properties->Build and checked "Register for COM Interop"
- In the assembly.cs fine I added [assembly: ComVisible(true)]
In the class I added
[ComVisible(true)] [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [Guid("2CDBF7B7-BD43-4B64-BB81-8591CB259065")]
I generated and added GUIDs
- I generated and refernce snk in assembly.cs
I am going to continue to research but considering my time constraints I am hoping someone has a solution to this problem.
I have read you register a .net dll for use in classic using RegAsm but the server does not have RegAsm and cannot be installed. I must register using RegSvr32 but when I try that I get the error "DllRegisterServer entry point was not found".
If you have a solution that works please share. I have been googling for days and tried everything I have found but nothing is working.