I'm trying to create a function that will fade in appends to an element. To ensure the animations run sequentially and wait for the previous animation to finish, I'm trying to use a callback function (recursively) with fadeIn.
$(document).ready(function() {
var messages = [];
messages.push("First message");
messages.push("Second message")
function appendContentText(newText, callbackFunction, callbackArgument) {
$("<div>" + newText + "</div>").hide().appendTo("#content").fadeIn(1000, callbackFunction(callbackArgument));
function runMessageSequence(introCounter = 0) {
if (introCounter == messages.length) return;
else appendContentText(messages[introCounter], runMessageSequence, introCounter + 1);
The messages all fade in together though. So it seems to me like the subsequent fadeIn's are being called immediately rather than after the 1000 ms delay.
I suspect this might have something to do with the order I'm applying things like 'hide' and 'appendTo' and 'fadeIn' to the selector.