
Is it possible to create decidable properties for interfaces in Idris that can be used within the interface itself ?

For example - let's say we have a simple interface Foo and a datatype FooTypeEmpty representing a statement that a given foo object is 'empty ' (defined as 'is indexed by two zeros'):

interface Foo (foo : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type) where
    mkEmpty : foo 0 0 a
    isEmpty : (f : foo n m a) -> Bool

data FooTypeEmpty : (Foo foo) => foo n m a -> Type where
    MkFooTypeEmpty : (Foo foo) => (f : foo 0 0 a) -> FooTypeEmpty f 

Is it possible to give the isEmpty method the following type ?:

isEmpty : (f : foo n m a) -> Dec (FooTypeEmpty f)

That is, make use of FooTypeEmpty so that isEmpty returns a proof (or contradiction) that the given foo object is 'empty' ?

I tried it with a mutual block, but this won't typecheck:

    interface Foo (foo : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type) where
        mkEmpty : foo 0 0 a
        isEmpty : (f : foo n m a) -> Dec (FooTypeEmpty f)

    data FooTypeEmpty : (Foo foo) => foo n m a -> Type where
        FTE : (Foo foo) => (f : foo 0 0 a) -> FooTypeEmpty f

More generally : Is it possible to incorporate proofs in interface methods that are valid/required for all implementations ?


1 Answers


You can't access the Foo you are constructing in his definition, which would be needed by isEmpty. Interfaces are just fancy data constructors, so your interface is roughly equivalent to:

MkFoo : (foo : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type) ->
        (mkEmpty : foo 0 0 a) ->
        (isEmpty : ((f : foo n m a) -> 
            Dec (FooTypeEmpty f {Foo interface=MkFoo foo mkEmpty isEmpty})) ->
        Foo foo

Thanks to the self-reference to MkFoo in isEmpty, Foo wouldn't be strictly positive, therefore not total.

So you would have to define the proof type beforehand. Just use the same type argument:

data FooTypeEmpty : {foo : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type} -> 
                    foo n m a -> Type where
    FTE : {foo : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type} ->
          (f : foo 0 0 a) -> FooTypeEmpty f

interface Foo (foo : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type) where
    mkEmpty : foo 0 0 a
    isEmpty : (f : foo n m a) -> Dec (FooTypeEmpty f)

data Bar : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type where
  Empty : Bar 0 0 a

Foo Bar where
  mkEmpty = Empty
  isEmpty = \Empty => Yes (FTE Empty)

If you want to prove some things about the functions given to the interface, just give them as extra arguments (here mkEmpty):

data FooTypeEmpty : {foo : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type} -> 
                    {mkEmpty : foo 0 0 a} ->
                    foo n m a -> Type where
    FTE : {foo : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type} ->
          {mkEmpty : foo 0 0 a} ->
          FooTypeEmpty mkEmpty

interface Foo (foo : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type) where
    mkEmpty : foo 0 0 a
    isEmpty : (f : foo n m a) -> Dec (FooTypeEmpty {mkEmpty} f)

data Bar : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type where
  Empty : Bar 0 0 a

Foo Bar where
  mkEmpty = Empty
  isEmpty = \Empty => Yes FTE

The only function you can't give to FooTypeEmpty is the function that uses the proof itself.