I want to tune hyperparameters for random forest using the MLR package. I have a few questions:
1) How do I decide which of the parameters I should tune? I heard something about keeping num.trees as high as computationally possible and tuning mtry? (I couldn't find anything online backing this up though)
2) What should be my range of tuning mtry? Is here a good rule of thumb between 0 and 1/3 of the parameter? If so, how would I integrate that in the code below if I have different data sets (i.e., what would I write instead of lower=0 and upper =10)?
3) Lastly, does it even make sense to create the learner twice, once with makeLearner function where I set the parameter in par.vals and then once with makeTuneWrapper function? Doesn’t it overwrite it then anyways?
learnerRF = makeLearner("regr.ranger", par.vals = list("num.trees" = 5000))
parsRF = makeParamSet(
makeIntegerParam("mtry", lower = 0 , upper = 10),
tuneRF = makeTuneControlGrid()
inner = makeResampleDesc("CV", iters = 10)
learnerRF = makeTuneWrapper(learnerRF, resampling = inner, par.set = parsRF,control = tuneRF, show.info = FALSE)